At Inner Compass Books, we firmly believe that all children have incredible gifts to bring to the world.
It is our mission to create mindfully crafted Children's Books that help children ignite their passions, think outside the box, and create a life full of purpose, impact, and fulfillment.

you learned that your BIG dreams were worth chasing,
that your passions were worth pursuing,
that your feelings had merit,
and mistakes were simply for learning.
Imagine that when you were young...

How could that have impacted the course of your life?
Kids are like little sponges--constantly soaking up information from their experiences, their learning, and their environment to form beliefs about themselves and how the world works. So, when you regularly read empowering books to your kids, they begin to form empowered beliefs that become the mental programming that they will carry forward with them throughout their entire lives.
Your kids are SO important to you.
When you connect with your kids through reading Inner Compass Books, it opens doors for communication, finding inspiration, self-reflection, and self awareness. This mindset and skillset prime your kids for healthy self esteem, building a moral compass, and the empowered mindset they'll use as a foundation for a meaningful life.
Imagine the incredibly potent impact that YOU are having on your kids when reading them children’s books that empower, inspire, and encourage them to believe in themselves.
Inner Compass Books encourage children to find their passion, dream big, think outside the box, and believe in themselves, all while trusting their inner knowing.
Our Inner Compass Books:
Your Inner Compass That Could is an insightful tale that encourages children to connect to their inner knowing and trust their Inner Compass. This book shows children that there are no limits to what they can achieve, and it will empower them to follow their passions and share their unique gifts with the world.
Packed with 19 historic art references, Mayva O'Meere, Creationeer will spark creativity and imagination in children of all ages. Filled with messages of perseverance, empowerment, and following your passions, Mayva O’Meere will encourage the little Creationeers in your life to unearth their talents and fuel their passion to glow.
When a timely stroke of fate opens Magnus' mind to the abilities of some of the most magnificent minds of our time, he learns that his wild imagination is actually a virtue, rather than a vice. Honouring the minds of Einstein, Tesla, Mozart, and more, Magnus O'Meere, Mind Pioneer will delight and inspire people of all ages to explore the potential of their minds.
Following her inner compass, Hazel Mist uncovers a new passion that takes her on an unexpected adventure into the workings of the mind. Hazel Mist, Hypnotist is sure to inspire those, both young and old, to break through the unknown, question their limits, and reach for their full potential.
Buckle up for a lyrical bedtime ride that guides little ones on a special, meditative journey aboard The Sweet Dreams Express. With soft, soothing illustrations, lyrical bedtime rhymes, and practical meditative tools, this book will guide children through relaxing their bodies and minds in preparation for a restorative and refreshing night of sleep.
Winston is enamoured with words, big and small, which often leaves his parents struggling to keep up. When Winston gets to school, his wondrous word wisdom irritates his classmate.
A story of kindness, empathy, and staying true to yourself, The Word Nerd will build vocabulary while showing readers that kindness and lending a helping hand can move mountains.

"Life is about learning
no matter the cost.
If you follow your Compass,
you will never have lost.
Your Inner Compass That Could
Each and every one of us has an Inner Compass.
It is an in-born guidance that sends you quiet signals to help you navigate life from a place of inner truth, passion, and soul alignment.
Your Inner Compass is:
> the little voice in your head that whispers when something feels right or wrong.
> the gut feeling you get when you something just 'feels off'.
> the spark in your heart and the fire in your eyes when you are so passionate about something that there is nothing else you would rather be doing.
> the immediate answer that comes to you when reflecting on a decision to be make or a dilemma to resolve.
> your inner voice -- your very own unique-to-you soul GPS.
Your Inner Compass is your intuition, which connects you with your inner self and your inner truth.
Kids need to know they are in the driver's seat of their life and they have an inborn tool at their disposal to help guide them through the twists and turns of life with clarity and trust.
That's what Inner Compass Books do.
Our books are meant to help kids learn how to connect, reflect, build trust, and follow their own inner compass.

"You're wise, you're ambitious,
You're so full of heart.
You've been building big dreams
Right from the start."
-from Mayva O'Meere, Creationeer
Why Inner Compass Books Matter
Inner Compass Books are so much more than your average children's books.
Here's why:
Self-empowerment lasts a lifetime.
Between the ages of birth to 7 years of age, children are forming their core beliefs about themselves and how the world works. This means, they are little sponges--absorbing information from what they read, watch, hear, learn, see, and experience. Imagine the impact of empowering messages in stories of following your inner compass, seeing mistakes as opportunities to grow, and knowing that you are powerful beyond measure. How could that affect their mental programming? Let's build those little ones up... for their lifetime.
Grow through what you go through.
Growth mindset is all the rage for a reason. It's powerful. When kids know that "Mistakes are for learning," it takes the pressure off to achieve perfection. Growing through what you go through, failing forward, and always looking for the learning in every mistake or problem is a powerful mindset that is conveyed and demonstrated in Inner Compass Books.
Self-awareness matters.
When kids are connected with themselves, they are more self-aware of their needs, their feelings, and their emotions. Self-connection leads to self-reflection, self-understanding, connecting with one's inner compass, and making conscious decisions that are aligned with oneself. Inner Compass Books demonstrate how various characters learn to navigate through challenges in life by being connected within.
"Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting."
We believe in the power of self-reflection. Not only can self-reflection make you think, but it can also open up your mind and your heart to new possibilities.
What better way to encourage independent thinking than prompting self-reflection with a question? Questions hold power because they allow the child to find their own answers. Each of our Inner Compass Books is complete with Reflection Questions after the story to allow the reader to dive deeper into the concepts within each book and reflect upon what he or she might have done if faced with a similar situation.
There is infinite value in learning to stay true to yourself.
People are and always have been, swayed from their truth by what they think they should be, do, or have. Inner Compass Books show kids that following your passions, pursuing your dreams, sharing your unique gifts, and following your inner compass are incredible guideposts that hold infinite value. Our books also show that even if you stray off track from your truth, you can always reconnect and find your way back.
We cannot control how our children experience life, but we can choose to feed their amazing minds with empowering content and learning opportunities that teach them to trust their inner knowing, follow their passions, and create a life full of fulfillment, impact, and purpose.
Imagine if you read these books as a kid. What would you have done differently?
Get Your Hands on Inner Compass Books

Let's teach kids to be true to themselves.

About the Author
Kristin Pierce
For most of her life, Kristin Pierce was dominantly a left-brained, logical thinker who was greatly unaware of the many creative bones within her. For the past decade, she has been developing her intuition, which has allowed her to dismantle loads of limiting beliefs that were hiding her creative bones. In doing so, she discovered she was able to unearth other right brain qualities that were nearly impossible for her to access since childhood -- including creativity, imagination, and innovation -- which allowed all kinds of wonderful things to unfurl, such as these books.
Kristin is a self-awareness educator whose mission is to empower others to deconstruct their self-limiting beliefs that are keeping them small and stuck in order to rise to their potential, come alive, and impact the world.